Become an Ambassador!

Hi, I'm Dave, creator of The Talking Jesus Doll. I want to invite you to take a direct and active role in our mission. We created the ambassador program to enlist your help with our mission. This program will make the impossible possible. Learn more below.

How you can help

We are a tiny family run company with a huge mission - to make disciples of all kids of all nations. Because of that, we are working to expand to Latin America, Europe and the Pacific. We are creating new toys and games, clothing, producing a SuperBowl commercial and planning to build a Christ the Redeemer like statue in a major US city.  

We have a grand vision without the personnel to do it on our own.  So we are asking our best customers to join our mission.  Quite literally.  Our ambassador program is a way you can directly help in our business.  We will ask for help doing small things from  - praying for us -  post on social  - to write a letter.  We will send you a message about special initiatives that require help.  Whatever it is, it will be important and also voluntary.  You can choose to help with the task or not - ,its totally your choice.

So that's it.  We don't know yet what it is but we know we need you.  Many hands make for light work and we really appreciate your continued support of our mission.  God bless.

Galatians 6:2

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.