Value Signaling

We have all heard of virtue signaling, the public projection of one's 'virtuous' beliefs. While the usefulness of many of their causes are debatable, virtue signalers do a really good job of influencing others to agree with issue.

There is similar concept called 'value signaling'. Its similar to virtue signaling, but it projects values that you want to share.  When I hold a door for someone, I am genuinely trying to be helpful.  But I am also signaling that this is the right behavior for society - and I want other people to see my example so maybe they will do the same.

Value signaling is very powerful inside of families.  When you take your family to church, you are signaling that church is an important part of our family.  Value is encoded by way of the language you use, who your friends are, the TV shows you watch, and music you play in the car.


It even is as granular as the is toys you give your kids.  What does a Mickey Mouse doll signal?  What does a Jesus doll signal?  Every touchpoint of your children matters.  You never know what it will be that will shape their values.   

Your children are your greatest discipleship project.  And you only get a small window to shape their worldview.  Value signal early and often; all ways and always.